Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Step Stools

Kason's new thing he's doing these days is using ANYTHING as a step stool! We have a small red step stool that stays in the bathroom (we used it for when my nephew was potty training). I think he had the color red in his head because he found a red basket that I keep my old baby magazines in and I guess he figured he could use that as a stool. So he dumps out the magazines:
And carries the basket to a new place :

To get on the chair that will get him closer to the desk items:

In the kitchen, reaching any dish possible:
In his bedroom, reaching things on his dresser:
Also in his room, getting on the chest to reach things on top of his book shelf:

Other things he has used is a pop up toy thing (go back up to the first picture of the dumped out magazines and look in the bottom left corner, that multi colored thing). He turns that over and steps on the bottom of it. Another thing is a tub kind of like the basket.

I love seeing his little brain at work but it makes me nervous at the things he's trying out! With the things he's doing now, I think I'm going to have a fearless boy!!!

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