Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

This little post goes out to my Dad! He turns 54 today and I just have to say that he is the greatest Dad EVER!!! I feel so blessed to have him as a dad - and a friend. He never lets us forget how much he loves us, he's always there to help if he's able to, he has the greatest jokes and songs with naughty words (thanks to my Grandma Hill - his MOM, and his Grandma's haha), he's so much fun to be with, I could go on and on, but I'll just say he's an all around AWESOME person! We love you so much, Dad, and we hope you have a wonderful birthday!


Amy Piller said...

Happy Birthday Russ!!!!! You are a pretty dang good Uncle too!

The Shock's said...

Happy Birthday Emily's dad!