Thursday, October 9, 2008

Trip to Enterprise

Last weekend (Conference Weekend) we went down to Enterprise, Utah to visit with Shawn's parents and Grandma. I like going down there because it's so quiet and we can do a lot of relaxin. And also, if we feel a little "antsy" and need to do something, St. George is only about 40 minutes away (we didn't go to St. George this time because there was a big marathon). We had a great time, though...

About a year ago, I made this quilt for Kason in my previous ward's quilt group. I got the top all done, bought batting, lining, and yarn to tie it and it just sat for a year! I decided I would bring it with me and if we had time to tie it, great! Well we had the time and I was SO excited to get it all tied. I'm sorry you can't really see the fabric, but when I get the edges all bound up, I'll show you the end results... Shawn had some fun playing with a childhood toy - Lincoln Logs! What do you think he's concentrating harder on? Balancing his tower, or the Conference talks???
Tada!!! But can you make it taller?
Yup! Ok any higher???
Ha! And you wonder why he's not an architect?!?! Haha!
Kason taking a nap (finally!) with Grandpa:
So, the not-so-smart mother that I am, forgot to pack jackets and it got pretty cold. Kason wanted to go "broom-broom" on the four-wheeler so I bundled him up the best I could - a pajama shirt under his t-shirt and grandpa found a scarf and helmet to keep it on! Haha poor kid! We had to take the scarf and hat off for him to go for the ride though - you have to remember that my son HATES wearing anything on his head!!!

Ok so Halloween is coming up and I need some ideas on what Kason can be - keeping in mind the "nothing-on-the-head" thing.....

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