Monday, August 11, 2008

Bear Lake Family Reunion

Every year my Dad's family gets together for the "Bear Lake Family Reunion." It's usually a week in August - Monday thru Thursday, but people have started going earlier on Saturday and Sunday and some even go on Friday. Anyway, so you get the idea that it's about a week long adventure! A couple months ago we just decided we weren't going to go because of taking time off work, gas prices, other reunions, etc... But about a week or so ago I just felt that Kason would LOVE playing in the water and would just enjoy being up there. Last year he was 8 months old and not really old enough to enjoy it. This year, he's a year older (obviously! haha!), is walking, and is so curious about everything! So we decided to go up Saturday night and camp in our tent and head back home Sunday. Thank you to my aunt Sue for letting us put our tent on your spot at the last minute!!!

So, on Saturday, we drove up to Bear Lake, ate lunch at the famous La Bous, then headed to the camp ground. We changed into our swim suits and went down to the lake but when we got down there I realized I forgot the towels in our bag! So about 10 minutes later we went back up to the campsite and decided to put up our tent. After we got "organized" we headed back down to the lake and had LOTS of fun...
Mommy and Kason playing in the sand

Kason doesn't quite know how to use the shovel so after a while he just grabbed the sand and put it in the bucket

Daddy and Kason playing with the little boat

I think Kason was about ready to fall asleep!

I don't think Kason likes his new life jacket!!! Poor kid - that thing looks so uncomfortable!

Later that night, we decided to get some pizza and I don't think that was a very smart idea! It was the last day of "Raspberry Days" and there were so many people EVERYWHERE!!! It took us 2 hours to get our pizza and it was hard keeping Kason entertained for so long (the only nap he had was the 20 minute car ride to the pizza place so he wasn't very happy!). After we finally got our pizza and each of us eating a slice, we boxed up our pizza and left!

After a long and exhausting day, it was time for bed. Kason went to sleep right away and we were all sleeping great till about 3:30am! It started to rain then the wind picked up - it was loud and very strong! Kason slept through the whole thing! I was very surprised he didn't wake up. Our tent held on pretty good though. It leaked just a little but we survived the night - haha!

On Sunday we just packed up our stuff, hung out with family, and we left at about 2:00. It was a FUN but CRAZY trip! We were all definitely ready for our own beds last night! Kason slept all night long (lately he's been waking up just needing his binki, or stays awake for 2-3 hours!) so it was VERY nice to get a great nights sleep!!!


Marianne and Matt said...

Looks like a fun time at Bear Lake!! That's funny that Kason slept through the whole rainstorm while in the tent. He is just so cute! About the sleep thing. When they were pretty little we started putting them to bed a little earlier each night and surprisingly it didn't effect their wake up time in the morning. So most of their lives they went to bed at 7:00pm. We recently pushed it back to 7:30 but they still sleep until 7:30 or 8:00 the next day. Believe me with two babies and early bedtime is the only thing that keeps me sane:)

Amy Piller said...

Hey girl, i am so glad you came up to bear lake. It was fun to have you there!

Kelley Rae said...

It was so fun to see you guys, even if it wasn't for very long. Maybe next year you'll be able to make it for the whole week!

Amy Piller said...

Em, do you know Kelley's e-mail address? I want to see if she will add me to her blog. Did you hear Jamie is getting married?

Lindsey and Zach said...

Hey emily..have not talked to you in awhile. your little boy is adorable. Last time I saw him he was brand new I think? anyway keep in touch K.