Monday, April 6, 2009

My VERY Exciting Find...

As most of you know, we live in a 2-bedroom apartment. I would say it's pretty big for a 2-bedroom apartment, but I have found that Kason's toys have overtaken our living room! We obviously don't have room for a play room, and I really wanted our living room to be just that, so I wanted to get all the toys in Kason's room. I decided that I wanted to purchase a toy holder bin thing (Did you get that?!?! You'll see what I'm talking about - keep reading...) but knew they were about $60! So it would definitely be awhile before I bought it.

On Saturday, we were driving down our street and I saw it! I saw the colorful bins and new it was what I wanted. I screamed to Shawn, "That's what I want!" So he turned around and we stopped at the "Moving Sale" that was going on. They wanted $15 for it and I said, "You got it!" Are you just dying to know what it is that was my VERY exciting find????
So here is BEFORE with all the toys in my living room:

And AFTER with all the toys gone:

Okay, so there are just a FEW toys still in the living room, but I am extremely happy with the way it is now. So where did all the toys go???


Kristy said...

Emily , that's sooo great! I know what you mean. I sometimes feel like toys are overtaking my house.You have such a cute little family.

Amy Piller said...

What a find, I tell ya it was ment to be!

Kelley Rae said...

I love that feeling: both finding such a great deal and that sense of accomplishment when you look around and see carpet and not toys. I'm so glad it worked out for ya!

Amy Piller said...

So how was your Easter?