Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where have we been?!?!

Sheesh! Sorry it's been over a month since our last post! Man it seems January has flown by. The next 4 posts are pretty much what we have been up to this past month. But a quick update on us: Shawn is still working for Kiddie Kandids and is enjoying it. I still get to be at home which I love! I'm still watching my nephew every day as well. Kason is getting more independent each day. He wants to help in everything. If we open the fridge, he drops what he is doing and runs over so HE can close it! If we close it, he cries! So we have to open it just so he can close it! It's that way with pretty much everything else - light switches, doors, cupboards, etc. He is also coming up with new words. At his checkup back in December, his Dr. was concerned that he wasn't saying two words together. He still isn't quite there, but he sure is talking a lot more! His new word is "vitamin." We give him vitamin/flouride drops every night after he brushes his teeth and we say "Here's your vitamins," and he says "me-me-me." It's pretty cute! Anyway, I hope this new year has started off great fo rall of you!


Amy Piller said...

kason is so cute and getting so big! I love that he loves the price is right!

The Shock's said...

I loved his vitamin that shawn sent the recording on MSN. It cracked me up. Especially the smacking of his lips after he said it haha.